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Writer's pictureEdible Fitness

Holiday Season Cranberry Sauce

"I made cranberry sauce, and when it was done put it into a dark blue bowl for the beautiful contrast. I was thinking, doing this, about the old ways of gratitude: Indians thanking the deer they'd slain, grace before supper, kneeling before bed. I was thinking that gratitude is too much absent in our lives now, and we need it back, even if it only takes the form of acknowledging the blue of a bowl against the red of cranberries."

- Elizabeth Berg

I know that not everyone loves it, but cranberry sauce is one of my all-time favourite toppings! If you do like however, you might prefer something a little different from mine, but I really think you should give it a try!


2 1/2 cups - Frozen cranberries

2 Gala apples (grated)

1/2 cup - Light brown sugar

1/2 cup - White sugar

1/2 tsp - Nutmeg

1/2 tsp - Cinnamon

1 tsp - Vanilla extract


  1. Add cranberries to a pan set to medium heat. Add in the water. After a few minutes, the cranberries will begin to "pop" as they burst.

  2. Peel and grate the apples. Put them into the pan of cranberries and mix together.

  3. Next, add in your sugar, spices and extract. Mix until fully combined. Cover.

  4. After about 10 minutes and your sauce begins to thicken, add in approximately 1/2 cup of water or more, depending on how liquidy you want your sauce to be.

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